Your childcare options are flexible as well that's the wonderful thing about being self employed. These are some of the most typical cheap techniques to take care of youngsters while you build your family's fortune from home.
Find a bunch of work from home folks and swap off childcare requirements. You can maintain a record of how many hours you watch each kid and use the time you accumulate when you want it most. The brilliant thing about this is it is free. The drawback is that you'll have to give up work time to handle other peoples's children.
Mom-swapping : This is the smaller version of co-op. This will involve you and a good buddy trading off childcare days. Ensure you set clear limits about when you may take the other kid and when they'll take yours. You do not need to be used. You may also need to make certain the children like one another and get along well. If they do not then this may finish up being a bad experience.
Child Sitter Sharing : Share a sitter with a pal. You may have the sitter watch both children at the same time and split the price tag or use the sitter on alternate days.
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