Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A good breakfast for children

As more parents look for healthful and natural foods, the children will stop protesting by the lack of the flavor. It is difficult to change the nourishing habits of the family and to include healthier foods. But this painful and tedious effort is utmost responsibility of parents.
In order to change the nutritional habits of the family, they should begin by the principle: the breakfast. The studies demonstrate that to eat a good breakfast is extremely important for the rest of the day.
The breakfast fills us with energy; it puts us in alert status and helps us to obtain a good corporal weight.
But the reality is that many children, especially the preadolescents and the adolescents, skip the breakfast or make bad decisions: they eat made products, cereals and buns.
From now on, parents should follow the following list for their children’s breakfast:
For all the ages:
• The most important thing what needs is a cereal bowl, spoon and box. It proves the original fast solution. Buy a cereal without maize syrup and artificial coloring preservatives, flavors or hydrogenated oil.
For children of 3-12
• There is nothing like a hot plate of oats and milk for a cold morning. They can complement with fruits or honey.
• It animates the children to eat with the eyes. All we are visual creatures. A quite full glass of layers of yogurt with flavor to fruit, crisp slices of strawberries imagines or bilberries and cereals….. all that stuff shines deliciously and gives desire to eat it.