• Before realizing the selection toy, first of all make a reflection about what your children wants, which he really needs and what he already has; in this way, you will not be buying in vain. So it is important to consider the taste preferences of your children.
• A good toy must be near the immediate world of the boy. The activity that proposes the game must be playful, that it urges to him to amuse them and not to learn, and that motivates to them.
• Avoid creating sexist stereotypes through the toys. In addition, it is very important that it does not harness the violence.
• The toy should stimulate and develop his imagination, creativity and curiosity and its interest to investigate and power its capacity to think and to solve problems.
• We must choose toys that facilitate the participation in group; this is the way the boy will learn to share with the others and to communicate with the rest which will facilitate the relations between equals.
• It remembers that the best toy is not most expensive of the store but the one that better adapts to the age and characteristics of your children.
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